- Reference
- Rename/move files matching the
pattern srcpat
to corresponding files having names
of the form given by dest
contains parentheses surrounding patterns which will be replaced in turn
by $1
, $2
, … in dest
- Any error (a substitution results in an empty
string, two substitutions give the same result, the
destination was an existing regular file and
not given) causes the entire function to abort
without doing anything.
- -n for a dry run.
- -v for verbose.
- -w to implicitly add parenthesis for all
wildcard patterns in
- -W
- implicitly add parenthesis for all wildcard
patterns in
(i.e. -w
), and
- turn wildcards in
to references like
, ${2}
, etc.
- -i for an interactive "yes/no" for each rename.
- -C to force cp.
- -M to force mv.
- -L to force ln.
- zmv (zsh wiki),
- Lots of examples
# For example, rename all the avi files to replace _ by
# simple spaces, replace '.' by simple spaces lowercase
# the filename, and capitalise the first letter of each
# words :
zmv '(*).avi' '${${(LC)1//./ }//_/ }.avi'
# If you want case insensitivity pattern matching you
# can add (#i) at the begining of the first sentence for
# exemple
# All files having for extenstions .avi or .Avi or .AVI
# or etc. will match and will be renamed as previously.
zmv '(#i)(*).avi' '${${(LC)1//./ }//_/ }.avi'