- \<Ctrl-D>
- You can press
to view the whole list of possible
completions at one time. For example, enter ':colo '
then press <ctrl-D>
and you'll see a list of all the
colorscheme names. (The space in ':colo ' is important,
since if you press ctl-D with just ':colo' Vim will just
show you the 'colorscheme' completion. . . )
- g <C-g>
- Show current cursor position, word position, etc.
- g- and g+
- Undo/redo – based on time. Very cool!
- <C-g>u
- Break the current insert mode change and start a new
change for undo purposes.
- s
- Change a character. S changes the whole line.
- ]p
- Just like p, but it automatically adjusts the indent
level of the pasted code to match that of the code you
paste into. Try it!
- g@
- Calls operatorfunc. Define your own function to do
stuff on selections. Eg. g@iw to do something on the
word you selected (ciw would have changed the word but
g@iw will do whatever you choose to that word.)
- K
- Go to the man page for the word under cursor. Ripe for customizing.
Unlike jumping to the tag, I can use this to generate on the fly docs for the