- manpage: diff
- Ignore white space in vimdiff Edit
set diffopt+=iwhite
vimdiff -c 'set diffopt+=iwhite' ...
- Diffing directories
- Use the DirDiff plugin.
vim -c 'DirDiff <dir-left> <dir-right>'
- Use the DirDiff plugin.
- 'cursorbind'
- 'diffexpr'
- 'diffopt'
- :diffoff
- :diffpatch
- :diffsplit
- :diffthis
- 'patchexpr'
- 'scrollbind'
- 'scrollopt'
Key | Action |
[c |
Jump backwards to the previous start of a change. When a count is used, do it that many times. |
]c |
Jump forwards to the next start of a change. When a count is used, do it that many times. |
do | Modify the current buffer to undo difference with the other buffer. (the o in do stands for obtain. This is the same as :diffget) |
dp | Modify the other buffer to undo difference with the current buffer. (the p in dp stands for put. This is the same as :diffput) |