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What libraries do I have installed?

From pip: freezing requirements

pip freeze > stable-req.txt






Bloom filters


Compiler, Assembler, Debugging, etc.

Compatibility between python 2 and python 3.



Cython / shedskin / rpython / pypy, etc


Data Structures


Dependency Injection




ID3 tags and other music metadata


Parallel / Processing

Parsers / Parsing



Graph Structures

graphics / gaming







Scientific, parallel processing, numeric.



terminal colors

Twitter API


terminal / curses


web browsing


From Macports listing

py-4suite-xml @1.0.2 (python, devel, textproc)
suite of python modules for XML and RDF processing

py-altgraph @0.9 (python, devel)
Python graph (network) package

py-amqplib @1.0.2 (python, devel)
Simple non-threaded Python client library for AMQP.

py-anyjson @0.3.1 (python, www)
Wrap the best available JSON implementation in a common API

py-ao @0.81 (python, audio)
Python interface to libao, an audio device abstraction library

py-apsw @3.7.10-r1 (python)
Very thin SQLite 3 wrapper for python

py-archmage @0.0.8 (python, textproc)
Extensible reader/decompiler of files in CHM format

py-atox @0.5 (python, textproc)
python-based framework for automated markup

py-bdist_mpkg @0.4.4 (python, devel)
Builds Mac OS X installer packages from distutils

py-beaker @1.6.2 (python, www)
A Session and Caching library with WSGI Middleware

py-beautifulsoup @3.2.0 (python, textproc)
Python HTML/XML parser

py-bison @0.1.8 (python, lang)
Python-based parsing at the speed of C

py-bitbuffer @0.1 (python, devel)
StringIO a-like where you can save bits instead of bytes

py-bitdecoder @0.5.1 (python, devel)
python module and program to decode bits to human readable text

py-bitstring @2.2.0 (python, devel)
Module to simplify handling of binary data

py-blist @1.3.4 (python, devel)
A list-like type with better asymptotic performance.

py-boto @2.0 (python, net)
python interface to Amazon Web Services

py-bpython @0.10.1 (python)
fancy interface to the Python interpreter

py-cairo @1.4.12 (python, x11)
Pycairo is set of Python bindings for the cairo graphics library

py-carray @0.4 (python, devel)
A chunked data container that can be compressed in-memory.

py-celery @2.5.1 (python, devel)
Distributed Task Queue

py-certifi @0.0.6 (python, devel)
Python SSL Certificates

py-chart @1.37 (python)
python library for creating EPS, PDF, PNG, or SVG charts

py-clientcookie @1.3.0 (python, www)
python module for handling HTTP cookies

py-clientform @0.2.9 (python, www)
python module for handling HTML forms

py-clienttable @0.0.1a (python, www)
python module for generic HTML table parsing

# To check out.
py-clint @0.3.1 (python, devel)
Clint is a module filled with a set of awesome tools for developing commandline applications

# To check out.
py-cmdsyntax @0.91 (python)
python module for matching command line arguments

# To check out.
py-constraint @0.2.6 (python)
python module for solving constraint satisfaction problems

py-construct @2.00 (python)
python module for parsing and building binary or textual data structures

py-coordsys @0.51 (python, math)
transformation of points between cartesian coordinate systems

py-crack @0.5.1 (python)
python interface to the cracklib password sanity library

py-crash @0.4-pre3 (python)
Python crash handler that handles uncaught exceptions

py-crypto @2.5 (python, security)
collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols for python

py-cssutils @0.53 (python, www)
Parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets

py-ctags @1.0.5 (python)
Exuberant Ctags indexing python bindings

py-ctypes @1.0.2 (python)
create and manipulate C data types in Python

py-curl @7.19.0 (python, net, devel)
python interface to libcurl

py-cython @0.15 (python, devel)
A language for writing C extension modules for Python.

# To check out.
py-daemon @1.0.1 (python)
Module to daemonize the calling process

py-dap @ (python)
Python implementation of the Data Access Protocol

# To check out.
py-dateutil @1.5 (python)
powerful extensions to the standard python datetime module

# To check out.
py-decoratortools @1.7 (python, www)
Class, Function, and Assignment Decorators, Metaclasses, and Related Tools

py-distribute @0.6.24 (python, devel)
Replacement for setuptools

py-dns @2.3.3 (python, net)
module for performing DNS queries from python

py-dnspython @1.9.4 (python, net)
DNS toolkit for Python

py-docutils @0.8.1 (python, textproc)
A set of tools for processing plaintext documentation

py-docx @0.0.1 (python, devel)
The docx module creates, reads and writes Microsoft Office Word 2007 docx files

py-dpkt @1.7 (python, net)
python packet creation and parsing library

py-ebay @0.1.4 (python)
Python library encapsulating the eBay API

py-elixir @0.7.1 (python, www)
Declarative layer on top of sqlalchemy

py-enum @0.4.4 (python, devel)
Robust enumerated type support in Python

py-exif @1.0.2 (python)
Python interface to the EXIF meta-data

py-eyed3 @0.6.18 (python, audio)
python module and program for processing ID3 tags

py-ezpycrypto @0.1.1 (python, security)
high-level encryption python module building upon py-crypto

# To check out.
py-fastimport @0.9.0 (python, devel)
Python parser for the fastimport format

py-feedparser @5.0.1 (python)
RSS and Atom parser

py-formbuild @0.1.5b (python, devel)
Form generation tools to complement FormEncode

py-formencode @1.2.4 (python)
FormEncode validates and converts nested structures.

py-fuse @0.2.1 (fuse, python)
Python interface for FUSE

py-futures @2.1.2 (python)
A Java-style futures package for Python

# To check out.
py-game @1.9.1 (python, devel, multimedia, graphics)
pygame, python modules for writing games

# To check out.
py-gdata @2.0.15 (python, devel)
Google Data API Python Client Library

py-gdbm @2.4.6 (python, databases)
Python bindings to the GNU dbm library

# To check out.
py-geohash @0.8.4 (python, devel, math)
Fast, accurate python geohashing library.

py-geoip @1.2.5 (python, net)
Python module for accessing the GeoIP C library

# To check out.
py-geotypes @0.7.0 (python)
python library for geometry types

# To check out.
py-gflags @2.0 (python, devel)
Python equivalent of google-gflag, a getopt() replacement.

# To check out.
py-ggy @0.4.1 (python)
parser and lexer generator for python, in python

# To check out.
py-gmpy @1.01 (python)
general MultiPrecision arithmetic module for Python

# To check out.
py-gnupg @0.3.2 (python)
GnuPGInterface is a Python module to interface with GnuPG

# To check out.
py-gnuplot @1.8 (python, devel, math)
A Python interface to the gnuplot plotting program.

py-graph-tool @2.2.15 (python, science)
Efficient python graph module

py-graphpath @0.7 (python)
small language for ananlysing graph-structured data in Python

py-gsl @0.9.5 (python, science)
Python interface to the GNU Scientific Library

py-gviz_api @1.7.0 (python, www)
Python API for Google Visualization

py-harvestman @1.4 (python, www)
Web crawler

py-htmlcalendar @1.1.1 (python)
python module for creating calendars in HTML format

# To check out.
py-httplib2 @2-0.7.4 (python, devel, net)
A comprehensive HTTP client library in Python

py-id3lib @0.5.1 (python, audio)
Python module for reading and writing id3v2 tags

# To check out.
py-imdb @4.0 (python)
python module providing access to the IMDb movie database

py-importchecker @1.0 (python, devel)
python module/script to find unused imports in python code

# To check out.
py-importlib @1.0.2 (python)
This package contains the code from importlib as found in Python 2.7

py-iplib @0.7 (python, net)
converter amongst notations in the CIDR notation

py-ipy @0.70 (python)
python module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks

py-ipython @0.12 (python)
An enhanced Interactive Python shell

py-irclib @0.4.8 (python, irc)
python module that encapsulates the IRC protocol

py-jsbeautifier @1.0 (python, textproc)
JS beautifier written in Python

py-keyczar @0.7b (python, devel, crypto)
Easy to use cryptographic toolkit

py-keyring @0.6.2 (python)
Python interface to access the system keyring service

py-kombu @2.1.1 (python, devel)
AMQP Messaging Framework for Python.

py-ldap @2.3.7 (python)
object-oriented api for python to access LDAP directory servers

py-lepl @5.0.1 (python, devel)
A Parser Library for Python 2.6+.

py-libdnet @1.12 (python, net)
A python module for the libdnet low-level networking library.

py-libgmail @0.1.11 (python, mail)
Python binding for accessing Gmail

py-libxml2 @2.7.8 (python, textproc)
Python bindings for libxml2

py-libxslt @1.1.26 (python, textproc)
Python bindings for libxslt

py-log4py @1.3 (python, devel)
log4py is a python logging module similar to log4j.

py-lupy @0.2.1 (python, textproc, databases)
full-text indexer and search engine in Python

py-lxml @2.1.2 (python, devel)
Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library

py-m2crypto @0.21.1 (python, crypto, devel)
M2Crypto is a crypto and SSL toolkit for Python.

py-macfile @0.2.1 (python)
Python wrappers for Carbon.File's various alias and file reference objects

py-macfsevents @0.2.5 (python)
Thread-based interface to file system observation primitives.

py-macholib @1.4.3 (python, devel)
Mach-O header analysis and editing

py-magic @0.1 (python, sysutils)
python module for determining a files or streams magic number

py-mahotas @0.7.2 (python)
Python Image Processing Library

py-mailbox-reader @1.0.4 (python)
python module for reading Unix mailboxes

py-mako @0.1.10 (python, www)
A super-fast templating language that borrows the best ideas from the existing templating languages.

py-markdown @1.7 (python, textproc)
python implementation of markdown

py-markupsafe @0.15 (python)
Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python

py-matplotlib @1.1.0 (python, graphics, math)
matlab-like syntax for creating plots in python

py-matplotlib-basemap @1.0.2 (python, graphics, math)
matplotlib toolkit for plotting data on map projections

py-mechanize @0.1.9 (python, www)
Stateful programmatic web browsing

py-mechanoid @0.5.22 (python, www)
programmatic browser python module

py-metar @0.18 (python)
python interface to the weather reports of the NOAA

py-mhash @1.4 (python, security)
A comprehensive Python interface to the mhash library.

py-milk @0.4.2 (python, science)
Machine Learning Toolkit

py-mimeparse @0.1.3 (python, www)
Basic functions for handling mimetypes in Python

py-modulegraph @0.9.1 (python, devel)
Python module dependency analysis tool

py-modulegraph-devel @0.8 (python, devel)
Python module dependency analysis tool

py-multiprocessing @ (python)
backport of the Python 2.6/3.0 `multiprocessing` package

py-mutagen @1.15 (python, audio, devel)
A Python module to handle audio metadata

py-mx @2.0.6 (python, devel)
python extensions for database, date/time processing and other

py-netdevicelib @0.1 (python, net)
python module for interacting with network devices like routers

py-networkx @1.5 (python, science)
NetworkX in a Python package for graph manpulation.

py-nltk @2.0.1rc1 (python, textproc)
Natural Language Toolkit

py-ntplib @0.1.9 (python)
Simple interface to query NTP servers from Python.

py-numarray @1.5.2 (python, devel, math)
array manipulation and computational library for python

py-numeric @24.2 (python, devel, math)
fast numerical array language for python

py-numpy @1.6.1 (python, math)
The core utilities for the scientific library scipy for Python

py-oauth2 @1.5.211 (python, devel)
Python library for oauth2

py-openssl @0.9 (python, devel, security)
python wrapper around the OpenSSL library

py-otp @1.0 (python, security)
RFC2289 implementation for python (one-time password)

py-parsing @1.5.6 (python, lang)
alternative approach to creating parsers in python

py-pcapy @0.10.5 (python, net)
python interface to libpcap

py-pexpect @2.4 (python)
python module for better controlling other applications

py-pil @1.1.7 (python, graphics)
Python Imaging Library

py-plex @ (python, devel)
lexical analysis module for python

py-ply @3.4 (python, lang, devel)
lex and yacc implementation for Python

py-polygon @2.0.4 (python, devel, math)
Python bindings for General Polygon Clipping Library

py-pow @0.7 (python, security)
Python OpenSSL Wrappers is an interface to the openssl library

py-probstat @0.912 (python, math)
Probability And Statistics for python

py-processing @0.52 (python)
Using processes which mimics the threading module

py-progressbar @2.3 (python, devel)
Text progressbar library for python

py-py2app @0.6.4 (python, devel)
converts python scripts into executable Mac OS X apps

py-pylons @1.0.1rc1 (python, devel)
Pylons Web Framework

py-pyplusplus-devel @20120123 (python, devel)
Py++ is an framework for creating a code generator for Boost.Python library and ctypes package

py-pyproj @1.9.0 (python, devel)
Python interfaces to PROJ.4 functions.

py-pyprotocols @1.0a0dev-r2302 (python, devel)
Protocol Definition, Declaration, and Adaptation

py-pyrex @ (python, devel)
A language for writing Python extension modules.

py-pysparse @1.1.1 (python, math)
a fast sparse matrix library for Python

py-pyttsx @1.1 (python, devel, audio)
Cross-platform Python wrapper for text-to-speech synthesis

py-pyx @0.11.1 (python)
PyX is a TeX/LaTeX interface for Python

py-radix @0.4 (python)
radix tree data structure implementation for python

py-repl @0.8.1 (python, devel)
readline-like module for python

py-reportlab @2.3 (python)
python library for creating pdf files

py-serial @2.2 (python, comms)
Python Serial Port Extension

py-sfepy @2011.1 (python, science)
Simple finite elements in Python

py-shapely @1.2.14 (python, devel)
Shapely is a Python package for manipulation and analysis of 2D geospatial geometries

py-shellwords @0.2 (python, textproc)
Parse strings into words like a POSIX shell does.

py-sisynala @0.9.18 (python, www)
Sisynala is a web log file analyser

py-spf @1.6 (python, mail)
python module for SPF (Sender Permitted From)

py-sqlalchemy @0.7.5 (python, databases)
Python SQL ORM

py-sqlparse @0.1.3 (python, textproc)
Non-validating SQL parser

py-ssh @0.3 (python, net, security)
python module for programmatically controlling ssh and scp

py-stablesort @2.3 (python)
stable, natural mergesort for python

py-supervisor @3.0a3 (python)
Process manager for UNIX-like OSs

py-tarfile @0.7.5 (python)
implementation of the tar format as modules for Python

py-tiff @0.1.4 (python, graphics)
pytiff provides tiff handling and advanced imaging for Python

py-timeformat @1.0.0 (python, devel)
Flexible alternative to time.strftime

py-tpg @3.0.4 (python)
lexical and syntactic parser generator for Python

py-translationstring @1.1 (python, devel)
Utility library for i18n.

py-twitter @0.8.2 (python, devel)
Interface for the Twitter API.

py-tz @2011n (python, devel)
World Timezone Definitions for Python

py-tz-gae @2011h (python, devel)
pytz tuned for Google App Engine

py-uid @1.0.2 (python)
unique ID generator python module and program

py-unum @4.0 (python)
python module for using numbers with units, like volts, meters

py-urlgrabber @3.1.0 (python)
High-level cross-protocol url-grabber

# To check out.
py-urwid @1.0.1 (python)
curses-based UI/widget library for Python

py-watchdog @0.5.4 (python)
Python API and shell utilities to monitor file system events.

py-weberror @0.10.3 (python)
Web Error handling and exception catching

py-werkzeug @0.8.2 (python, www)
The Swiss Army knife of Python web development.

py-whoosh @2.3.2 (python)
Fast pure-Python indexing and search library

py-xattr @0.6.1 (python)
xattr is a Python wrapper for Darwin's extended filesystem attributes

py-xhtml2pdf @0.0.3 (python)
HTML/CSS to PDF converter based on Python

py-xlrd @0.7.3 (python)
module to extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files

py-xlwt @0.7.3 (python)
python module for writing Excel spreadsheets

py-xmldiff @0.6.8 (python, textproc)
diff for xml files as command line tool and python module

py-yaml @3.05 (python, devel)
YAML 1.1 parser and emitter for Python

py-yolk @0.4.1 (python, devel)
Command-line tool querying PyPI and Python packages installed on your system

py-zconfig @2.9.0 (python, zope)
Configuration library for configuration-intensive applications

py-zdaemon @2.0.4 (python, sysutils)
Daemon process control library and tools for Unix-based systems