- Ref: harmony:specification_drafts (pdf links to current working drafts)
- Ref: Comparison of layout engines (Wikipedia) s
- ES6 draft – html version @
- ECMAScript 6 compatibility table
- Proxy / Proxies
- Unicode
- Book: Understanding ECMAScript 6
- ES6 Wiki
- const let
- array comprehensions generator expressions generators iterators
- block functions (statement level function declarations) block scoped bindings
- binary data / typed objects classes template strings (quasi quotes) string.repeat string extras
- object literals object extension literal class pattern initialiser shorthand super private name objects
- destructuring spread rest parameters
- arrow function syntax function name property function to string parameter default values
- module loaders modules modules examples modules rationale modules semantics modules standard
- multiple globals pragmas completion reform
- more math functions number.isfinite number.isinteger number.isnan number.tointeger number epsilon number max integer
- observe observe api usage observe internals observe overview observe public api observe spec changes observe updates
- proto climbing refactoring proto operator
- refutable matching regexp look-behind support regexp match web reality regexp y flag
- maps and sets weak maps
- Ariya's posts tagged with "ES6"
- Async
- Task.js: Beautiful Concurrency for JavaScript
- mozilla/task.js
- experimental library for ES6 that makes sequential, blocking I/O simple and beautiful, using the power of JavaScript’s new yield operator.
- But currently only works in Firefox. :(
- Task.js: Beautiful Concurrency for JavaScript
- Traceur
- github: google/traceur-compiler
- Playground
- Language Features
- Getting Started
- Compiling Offline
- Async
is not allowed inside generator functions so you can't mixyield
can't return a result :(- Issue 93: yield semantics (and syntax have change considerably)
- With grunt
- Vojta's repos
- issue 777: Compiled files missing runtime (i.e. $traceurRuntime is not defined)
for (let element of [1, 2, 3]) { console.log(element); }