- Download: stable | unstable
- Big Docs
- Language Specification / Reference
- Builtins
- Getting Started
- How to Write Go Code - The Go Programming Language
- Overview of
, packaging, remote packages, testing, etc.
- Overview of
- A Tour of Go
- Error Handling
- The Laws of Reflection
- Articles
- docs/Articles
- Go 1.1 Function Calls
- 10 things you (probably) don't know about Go - Google IO 2012
- Embedding types in structs for delegation
- Concurrency Patterns: Pipelines and cancellation
- Fundamentals of concurrent programming
- Functional Iteration in Go
- Writing Web Applications - The Go Programming Language
- Share Memory By Communicating
- Zero Downtime upgrades of TCP servers in Go
- Function Types in Go
- Function types as interface values, channels of functions, etc.
- First-Class Functions
- Go & Assembly
- State machines in Go
- Generating arbitrary text: a Markov chain algorithm
- Opaque types, http.HandlerFunc interface
- Self-referential functions and the design of options
- Writing a modern web app with Go, TDD, REST, and AngularJS
- A strongly typed binary search tree in Go without casts or reflection
- CSS animations and transitions performance: looking inside the browser | Web Platform Team Blog
- Writing type parametric functions in Go
- How function calls are implemented (Go 1.1)
- GoLang Tutorials
- Examples
- How to Write Go Code
- Effective Go
- Interactive Tutorial
- Slices: usage and internals
- String
- Packages
- Cross Compilation With Go
- Go Book; a book explaining the Go language
- git repo for e-book
- Download in PDF from here
- Videos
- Misc
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