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This syntax,

foo = "!f() { echo $$; sleep 20; }; f"

is an alternate way to define aliases.

When you run:

git zz arg1 arg2 arg3

git runs it this way:

['/bin/sh', '-c', 'f() { echo $$; sleep 20; }; f "$@"', 'f() { echo $$; sleep 20; }; f', 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3']

NOTE:  The choice of /bin/sh appears to be hard-coded into git.


git nothave

If you use pipes, etc., it seems you might need to create a subshell for the function or /bin/sh compains

nothave = ls-files --others --exclude-standard
# See also "git clean -df"
nothave-rm = "!f() {( git nothave | xargs -opn1 rm )}; f"

NOTE:  The subshell is needed in the nothave-rm definition.  Without it, I get this error:

f() { git nothave | xargs -opn1 rm }; f: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file