- Word separator
- Word-separator characters include the space (U+0020), the no-break space (U+00A0), the Ethiopic word space (U+1361), the Aegean word separators (U+10100,U+10101), the Ugaritic word divider (U+1039F), and the Phoenician Word Separator (U+1091F). If there are no word-separator characters, or if a word-separating character has a zero advance width (such as the zero width space U+200B) then the user agent must not create an additional spacing between words. General punctuation and fixed-width spaces (such as U+3000 and U+2000 through U+200A) are not considered word-separator characters.
- CSS Text Module Level 3
- text-transform, tab-size, text-align, word-spacing, letter-spacing
- ref: Font-relative lengths: the ‘
’, ‘ex
’, ‘ch
’, ‘rem
’ units - Apply different word spacing for Kannada and English
/ Removes all spacing between English words. / :lang(en) { word-spacing: -0.5ch; } / Doubles the spacing between Kannada words. / :lang(kn) { word-spacing: 0.5ch; }
- New CSS3 Properties to Handle Text and Word Wrapping
- Web Fonts
- Choosing fonts
- OpenType features in web browsers
- Ligatures:
- Text-level semantics
- Creative Web Typography Styles
- Typography: Rules, Guidelines and Common Mistakes
- Common fonts to all versions of Windows & Mac equivalents
- Text effects on Canvas
- Sizes
- Gotchas
- Perfect pre tags
font-variant: small-caps;
- letter-spacing
- text-align
- text-decoration-color
- text-decoration-line: none | underline | overline | line-through | blink
- text-decoration-style
- text-decoration: underline | overline | line-through | blink
- text-indent
- text-rendering: auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeLegibility | geometricPrecision | inherit
- text-size-adjust
- text-shadow
- text-transform: none | capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | full-width
- white-space: normal | pre | nowrap | pre-wrap | pre-line
- word-spacing
New CSS3 Text Properties
Property | Description | CSS | |||
punctuation-trim | Specifies whether a punctuation character should be trimmed | 3 | |||
text-align-last | Describes how the last line of a block or a line right before a forced line break is aligned when text-align is "justify" | 3 | |||
text-emphasis | Applies emphasis marks, and the foreground color of the emphasis marks, to the element's text | 3 | |||
text-justify | Specifies the justification method used when text-align is "justify" | 3 | |||
text-outline | Specifies a text outline | 3 | |||
text-overflow | Specifies what should happen when text overflows the containing element | 3 | |||
text-shadow | Adds shadow to text | 3 | |||
text-wrap | Specifies line breaking rules for text | 3 | |||
word-break | Specifies line breaking rules for non-CJK scripts | 3 | |||
word-wrap | Allows long, unbreakable words to be broken and wrap to the next line | 3 |
font-size: 0.95em; line-height: 1.4em; text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; -moz-font-feature-settings: "liga=1,kern=1"; -ms-font-feature-settings: "liga" 1, "kern" 1; -o-font-feature-settings: "liga" 1, "kern" 1; -webkit-font-feature-settings: "liga" 1, "kern" 1; font-feature-settings: "liga" 1, "kern" 1;